Last images

I pour salt in my eyes so that my eyelids don't have the courage to close

I pour salt in my eyes so that my eyelids don't have the courage to close

I am very tired, I haven't slept for thirty years, but I don't want to sleep anymore, I pour salt in my eyes so that my eyelids don't have the courage to close, so that they don't behead that...

striving in the way of God is the pillar of faith and the bright path for fortunate people

striving in the way of God is the pillar of faith and the bright path for fortunate people

Amir al-Mu'minin (peace be upon him): striving in the way of God is the pillar of faith and the bright path for fortunate people. Sharh Ghurar, volume 1, page 354



Last podcasts

My Son Qassem Is Coming

My Son Qassem Is Coming

"My Son Qassem Is Coming" I arrived with my forces in Abu Gharib, a small town near Baghdad. As we moved through the area, I saw an elderly woman...

Soleimani’s Republic

Soleimani’s Republic

Soleimani’s "Republic" Known as Kamran Saki, he and his allies held the southern part of Kerman Province in their grip. The local people barely...